Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Our company adopts as a basic management understanding to act with social consciousness towards our employees, collecting and environment at every stage of production and management;
- To comply with the procedures and principles of employing children and young workers and not to employ workers under the age of 18,
- Hire employees based on their ability to do business, not on the basis of race, color, language, ethnicity, political opinion, marital status, age, pregnancy or gender, but also on wage, social assistance and promotion;
- Respect each person's personality and dignity, do not allow verbal, physical or psychological harassment or compulsion,
- In the determination of the working hours, the current laws and obligations,
- To make normal and overtime payouts connected with laws,
- Adopting a proactive approach based on risk analysis, adopting a working system that ensures that all employees participate in occupational health and safety practices and keeps the general health of employees in the forefront,
- To comply with the environmental legislation in force, to prevent environmental pollution based on environmental dimensions and impact assessment and to reduce pollution source,
- With an understanding focused on customer satisfaction, we offer our services on time and on the conditions we promise, approach our customers with respect, equality and courtesy,
- Not to accept bribery and corruption under any circumstances, to act in the frame of ethical rules,
- To be sensitive to the traditions and cultures of Türkiye and the countries in which we operate, to act in accordance with all legal regulations,
- We care that our suppliers are in parallel with our principles,
we commit.